Pastille 8
With :
Matériaux SIMC
The manitou is bustling around in all directions, the beep of retreat in turmoil, the conciliation of the tinkerers, in full nesting mode, contrasts with these pros who are charging fast and hard. I'm looking for the link, my little violin in my hand... and then Bérangère at the cash desk admits she listens to some Lully with her son, and "Nours", Fred, in a burst of laughter, grabs the violin, to the amazement of his colleagues, and reveals that he has learnt to play this diabolical instrument! SIMC is all materials and I hold mine!
Écouter un extraitLorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut congue vestibulum ex, sed porttitor nunc sollicitudin et. Mauris at diam libero. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut congue vestibulum ex, sed porttitor nunc sollicitudin et. Mauris at diam libero.