Pastille 20
Réflexion de comptoir
With :
Le RenDez-Vous
Located on the main road, the "Rendez-vous" is a popular meeting point in the village. It's a vibrant place, and its recent takeover by the current owner, Adeline, has made it the HQ of the locals and an instant stop-off for people passing through. "Réflexion de comptoir" paints a sound portrait of all the materials that inhabit it: orders and discussions at the counter, interjections, sounds of machines, bottletops, corks, cars outside...
Touched by the succession of rhythms and the variegated sociology that runs through the place, I wanted to make perceptible the comings and goings that become tighter or rarer depending on the time of day, and which provide us with information on the habits and customs of local consumption. The steady pace of the pastille also highlights the (good) humour of Adeline, who is interviewed from time to time, and the joyful inebriation represented by the association games on the word "Bar" played by the regulars.
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